
Tests and diagnosis to know your heart health

Heart disease is the main cause of death in the United States. Thus knowing what a heart attack and how a person can prevent this disease will help you maintain good heart health and a healthy life. There are many factors that increase the risk of heart attack, although some are prevented with others you will not have control over. Factors at risk of heart disease are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, smoking and obesity and this is a factor that can be avoided, and therefore takes every precautionary measure to maintain good heart health will prevent suffering. There are also risk factors that cannot be avoided by someone such a descendant, gender and age that pose a risk of heart attack. Even though you are not in a position to prevent this, chances are you might not get heart disease at all, because this is just a possible factor. What tests determine your heart health and how does someone diagnose it?

One simple technique like your heartbeat will give your doctor’s first tendency whether you have a healthy heart. By checking your pulse, the doctor will be able to come to the conclusion of your heart health from rhythms, levels and heart regularity.

Another test that will help diagnose your heart health is your blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured in mercury millimeters, and this will show blood pressure on the arteries. There are two types of pressure readings when readings are carried out and they are systolic and diastolic. The reading of normal blood pressure from an adult is 120 mm Hg more than 80 mm Hg. Blood pressure can change and vary depending on your health, stress or age conditions. If when tested, the reading is high, someone must regularly check whether you are susceptible to high blood pressure. Someone diagnosed with high blood pressure is at risk of having a heart attack, because this shows that the heart must work harder than usual, thus increasing risk.

Doctors can also declare your heart health by checking your physical condition. They can diagnose whether you tend to suffer from heart disease by checking the skin, legs, arms and your eyes. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test where the doctor can find whether someone has a silent heart attack. This is a test considered and routine monitoring is done through ECG to find out when heart disease is suspected. By taking X-rays too, doctors will be able to evaluate your heart health. Echocardiogram will be prescribed by a doctor if suspected heart disease, and ultrasonography is used for this test to evaluate the status of the heart muscle and heart valve.

There are many other ways that doctors can diagnose your heart health, and above are common forms of treatment and exams to diagnose your heart condition.

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